Besides being unsightly to look at, unlevel areas of concrete within your commercial property can create a significant hazard for those who visit your business. The last thing you want is to be held liable for damages that occur due to an accident stemming from your unleveled concrete, as maintaining a safe property is essential for employees and customers. That said, cracks and concrete damage can also comprise the structure of your building, from flatwork to the foundation.
At Spray Foam Genie, we have a solution to all of these problems with our commercial concrete leveling services. Concrete leveling is a process that raises and repairs your concrete to help you avoid potential hazards, and there is no better team to partner with than us. Our team of professionals will take care of everything for you, so you can enjoy your newly leveled concrete slab! Learn more about our concrete lifting services and reach out to us to contact us today.
What Is It?
Concrete leveling is a process of raising sunken concrete surfaces in order to create a smooth, level surface. It is a cost-effective way to improve the appearance and safety of a surface. It can be used for all areas of concrete within your commercial property. The process involves using a self-leveling compound (spray foam) to raise the sunken area, which is then left to dry. Once dry, the surface is then smoothed and sealed. This process can drastically improve the look of a concrete surface, making it look brand new.
How Does Spray Foam Genie’s Spray Foam Technology Work?
For over 25 years, Spray Foam Genie has been providing reliable and effective concrete leveling services with our spray foam technology. Through the use of a pump, we inject polyurethane foam into the soil underneath the slab – it expands and forms a sturdy and level surface. The foam hardens and becomes part of the soil, giving you a secure and level concrete area. We use only the best equipment to ensure the job is done properly and efficiently. Our spray foam technology has successfully leveled thousands of concrete slabs, and it is ready to level yours next!
Why Work With Us?
Stop your search for an insulation contractor now – Spray Foam Genie is here for you! Our team of professionals has the proficiency and background to offer the ideal spray foam concrete leveling installation for your commercial building. By having the correct leveling materials, you can rest easy knowing that your concrete will stay intact for years to come, keeping employees and customers safe from harm. We are here to make sure your property is properly leveled, assuring you that it is in excellent condition. Reach out to us regarding your spray foam needs without hesitation!